1. The beginnings of a Motherless population or The horror against pick out as humanity When we ar born, we cry that we are come To this colossal stage of fools. -- William Shakespeare, King Lear We wordly manpower Have miserable, mad, grade eyes. -- William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus The original mythology of the matriarchal nightspot was that of the Goddess Earth in her deuce-ace aspects: the white Goddess of birth and growth, the bolshy Goddess of war and battle and the bitter Goddess of death and divination, praised and respected by work force as her intelligences and lovers. She was the pattern of the power of Space, Time and proceeds within whose bounds completely arise and die, the totality of body, configurator of flavour and thought, receiver of the deadly for rebirth . This was a mythology of unity, the Goddess was the Goddess of sleep together Being, and man belonged to the cycles of nature as password and lover of the Goddess. In the course of time, however, the mythology was transformed, reinterpreted and eventually suppressed. The Goddess was demonized and men turned into her masters. From the moment Antaeus, boy of Gea, was weaned remorselessly by Hercules, son of Zeus, the Cogito ergo sum principle became the overpowering force in the valet de chambre and the creative contact with Undine was part for good.

What William Shakespeare tries to show us are tragic consequences of the myth of love substituted by the myth of power, fudge and materialism. Such view of demeanor reduced to a naive secure of objects J.C. Ransom calls Platonism. It is supra all predatory for it translates the complexness of life to a set of manageable formulas, it is an impulse to fuck off and assimilate the richness of life out of fear that much(prenominal) complexness might annihilate our... If you deprivation to get a enough essay, order it on our website:
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